Christian Kalb
Interim Manager “Supply Chain” At Sherpa Mobile Robotics – Autonomous Mobile Robots
from 12-2019 to 05-2023.
- Development of structure and processes for the complete supply chain for the Sherpa robots series
- Strategic and operational negotiations (batteries, motors, motion control …)
- Employee management and development
- Identification and qualification of new procurement sources / market research
- Project: “cost to design for Sherpa B series”
- Project: “second source for strategic and tactical components and items”
- Procurement controlling (cost development, interface sales prices , interface sales prices for spare parts)
Results / successes:
- Reduction in the material cost ratio of around 10% (adjusted by inflation rate)
- Various structural and process improvements that cannot be specifically quantified,
- Development of an employee to head of purchasing
Interim manager “Auditor, Head of Purchasing” At Groupe Hospitalier Saint Vincent- (Group of private hospitals)
from 03-2022 to 08/20223 ,
Auditor, Purchasing Manager
- Audits in the areas of purchasing and logistics,
- Purpose of action plan for the development of these areas
- Strategic and operational negotiations (hospitallinen and clothing, energy…)
- People management and development
- Identification and qualification of new procurement sources / market research
- Project: “Suppy Chain Risks Monitoring”
- Project: “Introduction of a new service provider for hospital linen and clothing”
- Development of a dashboard with QlikSense tool, for purchasing and logistics (cost development, quantities…)
Results / successes in purchasing :
- Limitation of cost development and optimization of delivery intervals/lot sizes since the beginning of the inflationary tendencies in 2022
- Various structural and process improvements that cannot be specifically quantified
- Support of the new purchasing manager starting 04/2023,
Interim manager “Auditor” – certification and assessment services for products, systems, services and competencies
from 05-2022 to date.
- Various audits in reference to EN/ ISO 50001 and EN/ISO 9001, as first or third part auditor